Wooden Basket Salt Lamps

Wooden Basket Salt Lamps made from strips of wood with different shapes and sizes comes with Himalayan salt chunks and a bulb installed at the bottom of the basket that makes these salt chunks glow to add artistic beauty to the decor.

Wooden Basket Salt Lamps Products



Weight: 2 kg

Wooden Basket Lamps


Weight: 3.8 kg

Wooden Basket Lamps

Weight: 3.8 kg



Weight: 1.4 kg



Weight: 4.8 kg

Request For Quotation

If you want to buy our products, Feel free to contact us and discuss with us your requirements. We would be glad to offer you a price quotation and will try our best to deliver you the best products.

On Demand

  • Any shape and size can be produced.

  • Private labels/brands can be placed.

Sr # Art # Name Weight (kg)
01 POPS - WB-705 Bowl 2
02 POPS - WB-710 Square 4.8
03 POPS - WB-715 Flower 1.4
04 POPS - WB-720 Cage 3.8
05 POPS - WB-725 Cane 3.8
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